Run time: 1h 28min | Action, Drama | Released: February 24, 1995 (USA)
​In Vietnam, a squad of four African-American soldiers is deployed on a hazardous mission to rescue POWs from a remote jungle temple. Led by the fearless Sgt. Barkley (Joe Morton), the diverse group -- comprising impressionable young soldier Joe Brooks (Vonte Sweet), rebellious stoner Hoover Branche (Eddie Griffin), and bookish ideologue Cole Evans (Allen Payne) -- recount their personal experiences about how they ended up joining the Marine Corps.
Director: Preston A. Whitmore II
Writer(s): Preston A. Whitmore II
Starring: Joe Morton, Allen Payne, Eddie Griffin
Estimated budget:
$15 million
U.S. Box office:
Foreign Box office:
Worldwide Sales:
Widest Release:
Data unavailable